Our Project Goals

We Have tried to implement the task of collecting data about the air quality of our surrounding a bit easier. Using cheaper materials we were able to create a sustainable solution for creating a repository that is saturated with useful data of a given area.


User Independant

This product does not require user traning or any kind of account to be created once deployed. It is easy to use and only needs to be assisted.


Multiple Simultaneous Drones

Our product has the capability of collecting data points from more than one source at a time. This enables us to have multiple drones in the sky.


Central Data Archive

All data is backed up on a central server and can be used for analysis at any given point of time. Open Source Data can also be downloaded for advanced analytics and research.


Data Analyzation & Visualization

We use R to demonstrate and visualize all the raw data that has been collected by our sensors and drone telemetry system. Data is projected using Highcharter, Leaflet and Plotly to provide the best user experience.


Autonomous Flight

We use the APM flight platform to automate our flight systems and help plot an automated course over any given area. With features like return to base and auto takeoff.


Accurate Information

We have calibrated all our sensors and telemetry systems to work with Indian weather conditions. Our data is as accurate as the government substations deployed around the state.

Alpha Testing Phase

You can check here for our project life cycle model. We provide regular updates and detailed changelogs of our project progress. Currently in the alpha phase, we are very excited to bring our project to life.

Our Team

A dedicated pair of individuals working towards improving the future of our community and help understand the dynamics of air quality and air pollution. We try to provide the best data for the same and are working hard to integrate our systems to help the government make apporpriate use of our technology.

Aanand Vardhan

Aashish Sharma